
Tasmanian Fencing Association

2023 TFA State Epee Tournament

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

The 2023 State Epee Tournament was a wonderful success with an excellent turn out of competitors ranging across a wide range of skill levels. The Association would like to thank the competitors, parents, volunteers and coaches who supported the event, without your involvement we couldn't hold events like these.

The Association would especially like to thank our younger competitors, for which this may have been their first experience of a tournament event. Our youngest fencers were exemplary in their conduct demonstrating the best attributes we could hope for in fencers and sports people in general: grace in defeat, considerate in victory and willing to have a go.

The results of the competition are:


Under 12s, Tarrameah Hall

1st Ziggy Carter

2nd Willem Harrison-Narraway

3rd (equal) Solomon Powell

3rd (equal) Solomon Jones


Under 15s, Tarrameah Hall

1st Quincy Green Carlos

2nd Kalyan Quilty

3rd (equal) Abi Yates

3rd (equal) Harry Rutland


Under 17s, Kingston Beach Hall

1st Quincy Green Carlos

2nd Daniel Reynolds

3rd (equal) Kalyan Quilty

3rd (equal) Abi Yates


Open, Kingston Beach Hall

1st Quincy Green Carlos

2nd Caelan Merkel

3rd (equal) Kate Curtis

3rd (equal) Isaac Laredo


For full event placements and competitor results, please refer to our individual competition results page.

Files for download
Combined Results

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