
Tasmanian Fencing Association

Everyone can fence!

Welcome to our sporting association, where equity, inclusion, and diversity are the cornerstones of our ethos. In the dynamic world of fencing, we strive to create an environment where every individual, regardless of background or ability, feels empowered to participate and have fun safely.

Fencing is a sport for all, and we are committed to ensuring accessibility for everyone. We are eager to establish a parafencing program to provide a platform for wheelchair users to engage in the exhilarating art of swordplay, breaking barriers and showcasing the resilience and skill of athletes of all abilities.

Furthermore, we celebrate and embrace the LGBTQI+ community within our fencing family. We believe that diversity strengthens our sport, and we are proud to stand as an ally, fostering an inclusive environment where individuals can express themselves freely and compete with pride.

Join us in the pursuit of excellence, where every fencer's journey is honored and every victory is celebrated, regardless of who they are or where they come from. Together, let's continue to champion equity, inclusion, and diversity in the sport of fencing and beyond.

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