
Tasmanian Fencing Association


Annual General Meeting 2022

Published Sat 10 Dec 2022

The association annual general meeting for the 2021-22 period was held on December 10th 2022 at Tarremah Steiner School Hall in Huntingfield. Membership fees were set for the new year and new officers were elected to the committee:

  • Outgoing committee officers were Ben Hillier (2021-22), Jeff Bronstein (2018-22) and Kathleen Lim (2020-22). The association thanks them for their service and contributions to fencing in Tasmania and we look forward to seeing them in club and competitions in the future.
  • Incoming committee officers this year are Tim Harvest, Titia Bohlken and Daniel Muller.
  • Continuing committee members are Emil Kavic and Karina Halys.
  • The association president continues to be Avery Holderness-Roddam, re-elected unamiously for the 5th year running.

Membership fees for this year have been set at $20 for seniors and $10 for juniors.

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