
Tasmanian Fencing Association


XIX Australian Masters 2023

Published Sat 06 May 2023

Great news for veteran fencers! The Australian Masters have officially added Fencing to this years roster of competitive sports, with epee to be held on Saturday October 7th and foil/sabre on Sunday October 8th. This is a great opportunity to experience a competitive event and meet other veteran fencers from around Australia. Facilitated by Fencing South Australia the competition will be held at the Lights Community and Sports Centre which hosted the 2022 National Fencing Competitions.

Sadly TFA is not currently an AFF affiliated association however Fencing Victoria have very kindly arranged to support Tasmania fencers who wish to compete. Please contact the TFA committee via email at info@tasfencing.org.au for more information on the registration process and costs if you are interested.

We hope to see you at the event and wish you best of luck on the piste.

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