
Tasmanian Fencing Association


Tasmanian Fencing Association

I hereby apply for membership/renewal of membership of the Tasmanian Fencing Association Inc. and agree to be bound by the constitution, policies and rules of the association. I acknowledge that an application for membership is subject to the approval or rejection by the management committee.

Membership term

I acknowledge that membership of the Association runs from January 1st through December 31st in any year and does not roll over into the following year. There is no pro-rata of membership fees during the year.

Health and safety

I agree to abide by the instructions of Association, and Club, officials at all Association hosted or organised events with respect to the health and safety of myself and others including, but not limited to: performing adequeate warm-ups, wearing appropriate clothing (long pants, fully enclosed shoes, etc.), using the appropriate and well maintained safety equipment, using well maintained and operational weapons.

Risk and Liability Waiver

I understand and hereby accept full responsibility for my own safety. I fence at my own risk. I voluntarily and knowingly recognise, accept and assume this risk and release the Association, Club and any Competition Organisers, Officials and host venue Administration from any and all liability.

Recording and photography

I understand that all events hosted or organised by Tasmanian Fencing Association Inc may be filmed and/or photographed and that these images and recordings may be published or broadcast live or on delay, for the purpose of promoting the sport of Fencing, Fencing Tasmania Inc. and its events. I understand that Fencing Tasmania Inc may, and may license others to, record, distribute, exhibit, transmit, replay, stream, communicate to the public and/or broadcast such events and/or any recordings or photographs made of or during such events.

I consent to and grant Tasmanian Fencing Association Inc. the right to record, distribute, exhibit, transmit, replay, stream, communicate to the public and/or broadcast or otherwise use my image and/or my child's image and/or audio recordings of myself and/or my child. I acknowledge that Fencing Tasmania Inc. may transfer or grant licenses in these rigts to third parties without notice to me.

If you have a serious issue with your image being recorded, please contact the management committee via members@tasfencing.org.au.

Codes of conduct

I understand that it is a condition of membership to the Association that I agree to and abide by the codes of conduct as set out in the Codes of Conduct policy.

Working with Children and Vulnerable People

I understand as a volunteer for the Tasmanian Fencing Association it is a requirement that I maintain a current Working with Vulnerable Persons Registration and that I provide the details of this registration to the Association via the TFA website.

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